About me
As a child, I wanted to be a writer. It didn't really matter what I was writing about - when I was around 5 or 6, it was that night's dinner menu on a chalkboard, with some creative liberty taken in the culinary descriptions. When I was older, I crafted books using notebook paper stapled together and acted as both author and artist. In my teen years, I filled an entire journal with original poetry. I just loved to write.
I also loved to edit. Editing is a skill - a talent, I like to think - that I've had my whole life. I would turn on my internal grammatical editing when having conversations with people. I'd edit as I settled down to read what friends wrote in my yearbook. Commercials and the evening news - yep, I'd edit those too.
I went to Clemson University for Mass Communications and English and began my career in nonprofit. After traveling and working with college students as a part of the nonprofit world, I decided to go back to school. I received my Master of Education from Georgia State University and taught high school English. From there, I moved into the corporate world, specifically working in project management and web content in the technology sector.
I have experience with writing and editing web content, specifically for eCommerce and software technology, crafting content for retail packaging, and writing content for Amazon advertising. When I write, I approach the subject from the perspective of a teacher, a writer, and a consumer. I create compelling, original content or edit existing content to give it a refresh.
What I deliver: simplified content that makes sense to you and your audience.

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